Results for 'Jacinto Prado Coelho'

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  1. O universo em desencanto.Manoel Jacinto Coelho - 1969 - [Rio de Janeiro?:
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  2. Suplemento bibliográfico 69.Herculano de Carvalho Boléo, Lindley Cintra & Prado Coelho - 1965 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia: Suplemento Bibliográfico 31:68.
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    Hombre y cultura: estudios en homenaje a Jacinto Choza.Jacinto Choza, Padial Benticuaga, Juan José & Francisco Rodríguez Valls (eds.) - 2016 - Sevilla: Editorial Thémata.
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    Models for Hylomorphism.Bruno Miguel Jacinto & Aaron Cotnoir - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (5):909-955.
    In a series of papers, 137–158; 1994, Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 23, 61–74, 1999) Fine develops his hylomorphic theory of embodiments. In this article, we supply a formal semantics for this theory that is adequate to the principles laid down for it in. In Section 1, we lay out the theory of embodiments as Fine presents it. In Section 2, we argue on Cantorian grounds that the theory needs to be stabilized, and sketch some ways forward, discussing various choice points (...)
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    Moral Agency, Rules, and Temporality in People Who Are Diagnosed With Mild Forms of Autism: In Defense of a Sentimentalist View.Sara Coelho, Sophia Marlene Bonatti, Elena Doering, Asena Paskaleva-Yankova & Achim Stephan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The origin of moral agency is a much-debated issue. While rationalists or Kantians have argued that moral agency is rooted in reason, sentimentalists or Humeans have ascribed its origin to empathic feelings. This debate between rationalists and sentimentalists still stands with respect to persons with mental disorders, such as individuals diagnosed with mild forms of Autism Spectrum Disorder, without intellectual impairment. Individuals with ASD are typically regarded as moral agents, however their ability for empathy remains debated. The goal of this (...)
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  6. Serious Actualism and Higher-Order Predication.Bruno Jacinto - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (3):471-499.
    Serious actualism is the prima facie plausible thesis that things couldn’t have been related while being nothing. The thesis plays an important role in a number of arguments in metaphysics, e.g., in Plantinga’s argument for the claim that propositions do not ontologically depend on the things that they are about and in Williamson’s argument for the claim that he, Williamson, is necessarily something. Salmon has put forward that which is, arguably, the most pressing challenge to serious actualists. Salmon’s objection is (...)
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  7. General-Elimination Stability.Bruno Jacinto & Stephen Read - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (2):361-405.
    General-elimination harmony articulates Gentzen’s idea that the elimination-rules are justified if they infer from an assertion no more than can already be inferred from the grounds for making it. Dummett described the rules as not only harmonious but stable if the E-rules allow one to infer no more and no less than the I-rules justify. Pfenning and Davies call the rules locally complete if the E-rules are strong enough to allow one to infer the original judgement. A method is given (...)
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  8. A house divided: comparing analytic and continental philosophy.C. G. Prado (ed.) - 2003 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
    For more than seven decades there has been a broad gap between how philosophy is conceived and practiced. Two ill-defined but well-recognized traditions have developed—the "analytic" and "Continental" schools of philosophy. The former traces its roots to philosophers like Frege, Russell, Moore, Wittgenstein, and the logical positivists. The latter has been heavily influenced by Nietzsche, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Foucault, and Derrida, among others. The aim of this collection is to reconsider the often facile characterization of major thinkers as belonging to either (...)
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  9. Stay at Home and Teach: A Comparative Study of Psychosocial Risks Between Spain and Mexico During the Pandemic.Vicente Prado-Gascó, María T. Gómez-Domínguez, Ana Soto-Rubio, Luis Díaz-Rodríguez & Diego Navarro-Mateu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:566900.
    Context: The emergency situation caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected different facets of society. Although much of the attention is focused on the health sector, other sectors such as education have also experienced profound transformations and impacts. This sector is usually highly affected by psychosocial risks, and this could be aggravated during the current health emergency. Psychosocial risks may cause health problems, lack of motivation, and a decrease of effectiveness at work, which in turn affect the quality of (...)
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    "Es necesario secar (δέον αὐχμεῖν) las emociones” (Rep. 606d). Desafíos de/a Platón.Maria C. De Miranda Nogueira Coelho - 2022 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 26 (2):75-91.
    Este artículo investiga algunos pasajes de la _República_ de Platón para comprender algunos presupuestos y consecuencias de la argumentación del filósofo sobre el estatus de las pasiones, que culmina con la incisiva y radical afirmación, en el libro X, de que “es necesario secar las emociones” (Rep. 606d). Ello se debe a que, según Platón, ellas conducen a los hombres a actuar de forma irracional y cobarde, especialmente a aquellos ciudadanos que se acostumbran a la poesía, especialmente la dramática, que (...)
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    Heinrich Rickerts Theorie des Philosophischen Anfangs.Jacinto Páez Bonifaci & Паэц Бонифачи Ясинто - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):698-712.
    In diesem Beitrag wird die philosophische Konzeption des Anfangs der Philosophie als Beziehung zum Verhältnis von Subjekt und Objekt untersucht, die der Neukantianer Heinrich Rickert entwickelt hat. Die Untersuchung rekonstruiert erstens den problematischen Hintergrund, der Rickert zum Problem des Anfangs und zu seiner Unterscheidung zwischen drei Bedeutungen des Begriffs ‘Anfang’ führte. Dieser Hintergrund steht im Zusammenhang mit der Wiederbelebung der dialektischen Philosophie zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. Zweitens wird eine Konzeption des korrelativen Anfangs der Philosophie als Antwort auf das von (...)
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    Conciencia y afectividad: (Aristóteles, Nietzshe, Freud).Jacinto Choza - 2020 - Sevilla: Thémata.
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    A forças conservadoras da vida como possibilidade de enfrentamento à dialética opressão/insurgência em face a cultura de paz.Carla Jeane Helfemsteller Coelho & Liziane Paixão Silva Oliveira - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (48).
    Peace is possible even though it is always interspersed with its absence. Necropolitical systems hinder peace. The dissociation of the subject, preventing the action of selective force in the face of obstruction of human potential, makes it a-critical, unable to find overcoming strategies. It is the integration of human multidimensionality providing the expression of the potential and action of selective force that can lead the subject to critical reflection and awareness that enables them to create strategies against hegemonic. Knowledge and (...)
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  14. Further Debates. Cinema and Television: The Art and Industry of Joint Works.Inês Rebanda Coelho - 2019 - In Christina Rawls, Diana Neiva & Steven S. Gouveia (eds.), Philosophy and Film: Bridging Divides. New York: Routledge Press, Research on Aesthetics.
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  15. Tiempo, orden temporal y orden vital.Alfredo Cruz Prados - 2006 - In Rafael Alvira, Héctor Ghiretti & Montserrat Herrero López (eds.), La experiencia social del tiempo. Barañáin, Navarra: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    L’inachevé en soi.Jacinto Lageira - 2017 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 19 (1):55-63.
    En suivant la notion fondamentale d’« instauration » dans ses diverses ramifications (artistique, ontologique, esthétique), cela jusqu’aux derniers textes de Souriau, on comprend que celle-ci est encore très pertinente pour les recherches actuelles, et qu’elle peut trouver à se prolonger, notamment dans une poétique et une théorie de l’action.
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    On the Composition of Force: Algorithm and Experiment.R. Lopes Coelho - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (2):199-210.
    Philosophers have disagreed on the composition of force for decades. The main divergence concerns the fundamental question: given a certain motion that is observable, which force or forces are present in it, component or resultant forces? The present paper focuses on the conditions for dealing with this problem. I will argue that we are not able to infer force from the observation of a motion, as required by the problem. I will further argue that the validity of the Newtonian algorithm (...)
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    The Role of the Board of Directors in Disseminating Relevant Information on Greenhouse Gases.Jose-Manuel Prado-Lorenzo & Isabel-Maria Garcia-Sanchez - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (3):391 - 424.
    In today's world, the corporate image of the largest companies is closely linked to their performance in the field of corporate social responsibility and the disclosure of information on that topic, specifically, on climate change. Since the Board of Directors is the body responsible for this process, the aim of this article is to show the role that companies' Boards of Directors play in the accountability process vis-à-vis stakeholders in relation to one specific aspect which has enormous significance in environmental (...)
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    Human Resource Management and Innovative Performance in Non-profit Hospitals: The Mediating Effect of Organizational Culture.Julio C. Acosta-Prado, Oscar H. López-Montoya, Carlos Sanchís-Pedregosa & Rodrigo A. Zárate-Torres - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    No Reasons to Believe the False.Javier González Prado - 2019 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100 (3):703-722.
    I argue that if there are nondisabled reasons to believep, then there cannot be nondisabled reasons to believe something incompatible withp. I first defend a restricted version of the view, which applies only to situations where the relevant agent has complete evidence. Then, I argue for a generalized version of the view, which holds regardless of the agent's evidence. As a related result, I show that, given plausible assumptions, there cannot be nondisabled reasons to believe something false.
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  21. Strongly Millian Second-Order Modal Logics.Bruno Jacinto - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):397-454.
    The most common first- and second-order modal logics either have as theorems every instance of the Barcan and Converse Barcan formulae and of their second-order analogues, or else fail to capture the actual truth of every theorem of classical first- and second-order logic. In this paper we characterise and motivate sound and complete first- and second-order modal logics that successfully capture the actual truth of every theorem of classical first- and second-order logic and yet do not possess controversial instances of (...)
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    Gildo Marçal Brandão: itinerários intelectuais.Simone de Castro Tavares Coelho (ed.) - 2010 - São Paulo: FAPESP.
    Esta é a biografia de Gildo Marçal Brandão. A obra apresenta não só seus escritos, mas também informações biográficas, imagens, entrevistas e relatos de vários momentos considerados memoráveis da participação de Gildo no debate intelectual e político. Combinando trabalho meticuloso, os organizadores do presente volume têm o mérito de fazer tudo isso, uma vez que foram reunidos textos inéditos ou esparsos de Gildo, registros fotográficos, depoimentos de sua esposa - Simone Coelho - prefácios de dois de seus mais próximos (...)
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    Ipseitas.Bento Prado Júnior - 2017 - Belo Horizonte: Autêntica. Edited by Vladimir Safatle.
    Bento Prado Júnior (1937-2007) foi um dos mais importantes nomes da filosofia feita no Brasil. AUtor de poucos livros mas de vasta produção ensaística, desenvolveu uma ampla reflexão sobre a figura contemporânea do sujeito, e sua originalidade sempre foi reconhecida por seus pares. EM seus últimos anos, o filósofo se dedicava à elaboração de uma trilogia da qual este livro seria o primeiro volume. ELa versaria sobre as relações entre teoria do sujeito (Ipseitas), teoria da ação (Actio) e teoria (...)
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  24. A critical approach to sensorimotor contingency theory: brain as agent and conscious mind as a guide of action.Jonas Gonçalves Coelho - 2019 - Sofia 8 (1):67-80.
    I present and consider critically O'Regan and Noë's sensorimotor contingency theory, proposed as an alternative to solve the explanatory gap problem. I start with the criticism that these authors address the current conception of representation, according to which conscious experiences are representations of the external world produced by the brain. Afterward, I summarize the way the sensorimotor contingency theory addresses the problem of the explanatory gap, explaining the existence, form, and content of visual consciousness in terms of an "exploratory activity" (...)
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  25. Necessitism, Contingentism, and Theory Equivalence.Bruno Jacinto - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (2):217-218.
    Necessitism, Contingentism, and Theory Equivalence is a dissertation on issues in higher-order modal metaphysics. Consider a modal higher-order language with identity in which the universal quantifier is interpreted as expressing universal quantification and the necessity operator is interpreted as expressing metaphysical necessity. The main question addressed in the dissertation concerns the correct theory formulated in this language. A different question that also takes centre stage in the dissertation is what it takes for theories to be equivalent.The whole dissertation consists of (...)
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    Carta de Descartes a Colvius de novembro de 1640: acerca da herança agostiniana da proposição cogito, ergo sum.Rafael Teruel Coelho - 2023 - Cadernos Espinosanos 49:247-252.
    Trata-se de uma tradução de uma carta que Descartes remeteu a Colviu em novembro de 1640 na qual ele delimita as diferenças entre seu cogito e o penso, logo existo de Santo Agostinho.
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    A travessia como gesto: o contacto com o ritmo vital e a experiência estética.Salomé Lopes Coelho - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Este texto já apareceu em 2018 na Revista Dobra N° 2. Resumo : Manuel António Pina chamava-lhe isto porque não sabia o nome d'isto. Já eu venho escolhendo a precária, transitória e possivelmente redundante designação de “ritmo vital”. Escolher este nome não resulta de uma tentativa de definição, é antes uma decisão operatória que permite avançar e descolar a atenção do isto, para o gesto de contacto com esse isto – ritmo vital –, e a sua relação com a experiência (...)
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    Wilhelm Windelband como pensador sistemático e historiador de la filosofia.Jacinto Páez Bonifaci - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (2):269-280.
    The present research paper aims at clarifying the relationship between systematic thinking and historiographical practices in the works of the Neo-Kantian philosopher Wilhelm Windelband. According to the judgment of his successors, Windelband’s work is characterized by a systematical deficit grounded on an excess of historiographical labors. The aim of this study is to show that, in Windelband’s case the history of philosophy becomes a true impulse for systematical thinking. Besides, an attempt is made to show how Windelband's works make a (...)
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    Intelectual: Responsabilidad, Traición y Conflicto.Jacinto H. Calderón González - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 16 (1):201-216.
    El presente artículo pretende mostrar que ha significado ser un intelectual, poniendo el acento en su función originaria en contraste con lo que se considera la traición de los mismos. El artículo comienza recordando el Affaire Dreyfus y, con Benda y Chomsky, se buscará matizar la tarea del intelectual así como su responsabilidad. Las discusiones aquí ofrecidas nos llevarán a observar las dinámicas ideológicas del siglo XX y se prestará atención al estilo de vida del intelectual, atendiendo a las críticas (...)
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  30. Humanismo liberal. Figuras de lo humano en las formaciones económicas.Jacinto Luis Choza Armenta - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 23:119-140.
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  31. ¿ Pueden las máquinas creer en Dios? Dúplica a Juan Arana.Jacinto Luis Choza Armenta - 1996 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 16:201-228.
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    El Alma bella: angustia e inactividad.Jacinto Calderon - 2017 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 37 (115):217.
    El alma bella representa en la obra de Hegel un momento en el que la acción y la moralidad pueden entrar en un conflicto con la realidad y con el otro, provocando en el sujeto moral la inactividad y la evasión de su _selbst_ en su pura abstracción, enajenándose de toda actividad y toda crítica. Se pretende mostrar, pues, el desarrollo de esta figura hegeliana para poder asumir que toda actividad dirigida al mundo deja de pertenecer al sujeto que la (...)
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  33. A Dialética da Natureza: Um Novo Paradigma Filosófico para a Ecologia.José Ramos Coelho - 1994 - Princípios 1 (1):59-89.
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    A Nova Evangelização e sua import'ncia para o Brasil.Renato Arnellas Coelho - 2014 - Revista de Teologia 8 (14):225-241.
    The author seeks to understand the meaning and goals of the New Evangelization in a diachronic way as they were exposed mainly by the last popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis and how to relate it to the current Brazilian context that needs urgently new methods of evangelization.
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    A Salvação e o homem moderno.Renato Arnellas Coelho & Maria Regina Graciani Ribeiro - 2015 - Revista de Teologia 9 (16):75-90.
    In modern man’s life, everything changes at an ever increasing speed, as Zygmunt Bauman describes, leaving neither little nor space to think about the importance of salvation in his life. On the other hand, every man has a restlessness that makes him search, at least implicitly, for the things related to his salvation. Despite it, this search for salvation, besides important for each human person, is also important for the entire society. Analyzing the notion of salvation in the Scriptures as (...)
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  36. Consciência e matéria: o dualismo de Bergson.Jonas Gonçalves Coelho - 2010 - São Paulo: Cultura Acadêmica Editora.
    Distinção entre consciência e matéria -- Relação entre consciência e matéria -- Consciência, vida e matéria -- Consciência e matéria: imanência e transcendência -- Consciência, matéria e liberdade.
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    Corpo e pós-modernidade.Luís Coelho - 2012 - Corpo:
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    Lógica jurídica e interpretação das leis.Luís Fernando Coelho - 1979 - Belo Horizonte: Forense.
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    7. Methodical Horizon.Ivo Coelho - 2001 - In Hermeneutics and Method: A Study of the 'Universal Viewpoint' in Bernard Lonergan. University of Toronto Press. pp. 125-132.
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    10. Research, Interpretation, History.Ivo Coelho - 2001 - In Hermeneutics and Method: A Study of the 'Universal Viewpoint' in Bernard Lonergan. University of Toronto Press. pp. 159-173.
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    The rationality of beauty: Aesthetics and the renaissance of teleology.Humberto Schubert Coelho - 2022 - Zygon 57 (1):46-59.
    Zygon®, Volume 57, Issue 1, Page 46-59, March 2022.
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    Symbolic capital, informal labor, and postindustrial markets: the dynamics of street vending during the 2014 world cup in São Paulo.Jacinto Cuvi - 2019 - Theory and Society 48 (2):217-238.
    In contrast to industrial markets based on mass-production of material goods, postindustrial markets hinge on images, experiences, and emotions produced and exchanged on screens and in real life. Because postindustrial markets tend to be highly concentrated and technology-driven, they pose a threat to small businesses and low-skill workers in both advanced industrial economies and the Global South, where a large share of the population makes a living in the informal economy. Using the 2014 World Cup as a case of postindustrial (...)
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  43. Cuestiones de estética.Bacón Duarte Prado - 1983 - Asunción, Paraguay: Editora Litocolor.
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  44. La otra filosofía japonesa: antología.Agustín Jacinto Zavala - 1997 - Zamora, Mich.: Dirección General de Publicaciones, Consejo Nacional parala Cultura y las Artes.
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  45. A filosofia e a visão comum do mundo.Bento Prado Júnior - 1981 - São Paulo, Brasil: Brasilense. Edited by Oswaldo Porchat Pereira, Ferraz Júnior & Tércio Sampaio.
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  46. Filosofía y arquitectura.Roberto Goycoolea Prado - 1998 - A Parte Rei 2:4.
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    Reflexive consciousness.C. G. Prado - 1978 - Dialogue 17 (1):134-137.
  48. El ser y los cuatro ámbitos de la acción moral : Un ensayo de ética ontológica.Jacinto Rivera - 2011 - In Granja Castro, Dulce María & Teresa Santiago (eds.), Moral y derecho: Doce ensayos filosóficos. México, D.F.: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.
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    Die vierfache Wurzel des Dings an sich.Jacinto Rivera de Rosales - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 743-754.
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    5. Relation des Schönen (§§ 10–17), Modalität des Schönen (§§ 18–22).Jacinto Rivera de Rosales - 2008 - In Otfried Höffe (ed.), Immanuel Kant. "Kritik der Urteilskraft". Boston: Akademie Verlag / De Gruyter. pp. 79-97.
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